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[AHA2009]Stefan Anker教授谈ARB在心衰治疗中的应用

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/11/25 16:53:00 关键字:HEAAL研究 心力衰竭 Stefan.Anker 

      International circulation:Sure. So can you give us briefly some comments on what you hope the impact will be or what we can bring from that trial? It is pretty simple. It is fairly comparable simple therapy. And I would assume the cost as well. Can you discuss a little bit about it? Does it really improve our options and gives us more options in the treatment of heart failure.


    Anker: I would absolutely concur with that view that our options have broadened with today’ s presentation here at The American Heart Association and heart failure breaking trial session  When it comes specifically to FHIF What we did is that we investigated the idea or the hypothesis that giving intravenous iron to iron deficient patients with heart failure will improve symptoms in these heart failure patients. We assess symptoms in two ways, with the self reported patient global assessment score and second with the New York Heart Association functional class where the physicians estimate the symptoms of shortness of breath in the patients. The study only lasted for 24 weeks and the primary end point is that, these two end points that we had accessed 24 weeks and overall showed very strong significant results. So IV iron with specifically in this trial was fairly carbo moxie matose was significantly proven symptoms but interestingly it did already achieve these improvements within four and twelve weeks where there was also such an assessment. So it was very fast improvement of symptoms. Now if you are striving for also improving outcomes, at this stage, we can only say that the treatment was well tolerated and safe. And there may be some favorable trends in the study, However, thi

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