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[AHA2014]功能性二尖瓣及三尖瓣反流的评估与治疗—— Maurice Enriquez Sarano访谈

作者:M.E.Sarano 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2014/11/19 19:11:18 关键字:三尖瓣反流 二尖瓣反流 瓣膜修补术 瓣膜置换术 

  International Circulation: Our third question, what are the indications and results of functional ischemic mitral regurgitation repair or replace? How about the feasibility of the techniques?


  Dr. Sarano: The treatment of functional mitral regurgitation is disputed. There are trials that have been done that have discordant results. At this time there is no clear advantage of doing a repair versus a replacement of the mitral valve so that the choice of using a valve replacement maintaining the cords of the mitral valve is something that is really possible to do at surgery. In general the indication that we have is that we prefer a repair when the valve is not too deformed by the left ventricular dysfunction and we prefer a valve replacement when there is too much valve tethering and tenting.


  International Circulation: The last question is what about the latest update of percutaneous approaches to functional tricuspid regurgitation?


  Dr. Sarano: Tricuspid regurgitation is a very poorly known entity and its treatment is not well known. There are the surgical options -- valve replacement versus valve repair. We do valve replacement when the lesions are too severe such as too much tenting that predicts a recurrence after the repair but we prefer evidently when a simple repair can be done and in general we indicate surgery when there are not just severe tricuspid regurgitation but also symptom and signs of congestion. There are new options that are being developed for percutaneous treatment of tricuspid regurgitation, but no result is yet available so we will have to stay with the surgical treatment for now.


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