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[AHA2012]2012AHA科学年会精彩内容概览——Elliot Antman专访

作者:E.Antman 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/11/4 16:24:24 关键字:TAVR 外科手术 病案中心 

  International Circulation:  How many years have you been chair of the Scientific Sessions Committee?
        Dr. Antman: The way the AHA is structured is that you spend two years as the Vice-Chair and then two years the Chair. This is my second year as the Chair for a total of four years being administratively involved in the leadership in the committee of the Scientific Sessions proper.




  Elliot Antman教授:根据AHA的结构制度,你要花两年时间做副主席,然后再做两年主席。这是我做主席的第二年,参与管理和领导委员会的科学会议总共四年。

   International Circulation:  How have you seen the content change over your time there? What kinds of sessions were necessary to add?
  Dr. Antman: In the last four years, in addition to an increase in the absolute number of sessions where science is being presented, we are seeing more clinical trials presented at the AHA than at other meetings, we are seeing a lot more interesting observations of new drugs and therapeutics for dealing with heart disease—for example, novel devices for managing hypertension, like renal denervation procedure—we are seeing promising new drugs lowering cholesterol by a completely different mechanism than statins, we are seeing new drugs that are quite promising for the management of diabetes, we are seeing a number of advances in cell-based therapy for the regeneration of myocardium. As I look over the last four years, I am extremely gratified to see the rich array of presentations on promising new therapies that are breaking new ground for the way that we can treat patients with cardiovascular disease.




  国际循环:在您任职期间,科学会议的内容是否有所改变? 需要补充添加什么类型的会议?

  Elliot Antman教授:在过去的四年里,除了增加绝对数量的会议以外,更多的科学研究成果被呈现出来,与其他会议相比,在AHA我们看到了更多的临床试验结果,包括更多的用于治疗心脏病的新药物,和新的疗法,以及有趣的临床观察,例如,用于治疗高血压的新设备,像肾脏的去神经过程;与他汀类药物完全不同的作用机制但很有前景的降低胆固醇的新药物;很有希望治疗糖尿病的新药物;还有大量用于治疗心肌再生的先进的细胞疗法。在过去的四年里,我非常高兴地看到这一系列的科学研究成果展示会,用于推广具有潜力的新突破和新疗法,这样我们才可以治疗心血管疾病。



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