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[AHA2011]介入治疗相关问题解读——Scott Wright教授专访

作者:ScottWright 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:22:40 关键字:普拉格雷 替卡格雷 氯吡格雷 冠脉造影和介入治疗 Scott Wright 

    <International Circulation>: Renal dysfunction is a contraindication to coronary angiography intervention.  A lot of guidelines emphasize hydration for renal dysfunction but there isn’t really a clear recommendation about hydration or what specifically needs to be done.  What do you think of hydration therapy?


    Prof. Wright:   In my patients who are undergoing diagnostic angiography or interventional procedures who have any hint of some degree of renal insufficiency I recommend hydration for 12-24 hours prior to the procedure.  Some of the hydration can be achieved orally if they are healthy and at home, although sometimes we admit them to the hospital.  I sometimes prescribe IV bicarbonate, although data on that is mixed.  I have stopped using N-acetylcysteine, or muco-mist, because the data really has not shown that it is helpful.  Let me clarify a statement you made and put it into perspective.  Having an angiogram or a procedure with a large load of contrast dye is a risk factor for developing acute renal insufficiency, or in some cases permanent renal insufficiency.  The risks are much smaller than people realize, especially with adequate hydration and careful use of the contrast agents.  We now have enough data as physicians to understand the potential risk of renal failure, the potential risk of percutaneous or surgical revascularization, and in almost all patients it is possible to make a risk benefit analysis and give them enough information to help the physician decide if they wish to take a risk because of the potential benefit.  Another way to more easily understand this is that there is always a risk if you fly an airplane that it will crash and you will die.  There is also a benefit that I could have never visited Asia or Beijing if I didn’t want to fly.  The benefit of flying is that it is possible to travel very far quickly and see more in a lifetime, while the risk is that there is a very small risk of a plane crashing.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t fly or drive a car because there is the same risk/benefit ratio.  Most people make a conscious decision of not being treated versus being treated and in almost all cases the benefits of taking the treatment far outweigh the risks.  The risks of not taking the treatment also often far outweigh the benefit of avoiding the treatment.


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