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[AHA2010]AHA主席畅谈大会亮点和卒中预防——Ralph L Sacco教授专访

作者:RalphLSacco 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/11/17 15:18:01 关键字:卒中预防 房颤 阿司匹林 R. L.Sacco教授 

  <International Circulation >:  What advice would you give doctors for the preventative measures that they should take in order to stop stroke before it becomes a problem in their patients?


  Dr Sacco:   The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association is advocating much more toward prevention of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.  Stroke is the leading cause of death in China, so our new plans are very much aimed at reducing stroke risks.  Our new “2020 goal” is to improve ideal cardiovascular health by 20% while continuing to reduce deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20%.  We have defined ideal cardiovascular health as seven key factors for us to try to improve: blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar and keeping them in the right range, meaning, preventing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.  Also 4 behavioral factors: physical activity, no smoking, ideal body mass index, and a healthy diet.  And diet has a number of factors including salt consumption that needs to be emphasized particularly in China.


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用户:hshihong 时间:2010/11/28 22:39:56
拒吸烟不容缓,防肥胖不畏难, 管住嘴不要馋,迈开腿不要懒, 好心态不要烦,好身体需要管!


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